Muaya Scientific Expedition was held on 3rdAugust2009-9thAugust2009. The expedition was jointly organized by Institute for Tropical Biology and Conservation (ITBC) and Sabah Forest Industry (SFI). Muaya conservation centre was under SFI management whereas they encourage of many researcher with different field of research to do work in this area. Our trip was arrived at the homestay Muaya at 3.30pm by three 4wheelDrive with about one hour from the main road. We are so exited to saw the unique recreation centre with nice view, cool air, bird voice and etc..On the first day, Ling, Wong and me took an opportunity to go Muaya waterfall through 1438m trail. Along the trail, we passed by four huts such as Long Pa'sia, Maligan, Bamban and Muaya. At late 6pm after taken the photograph, we go down to the homestay. At nite, we have a short briefing by Madam Anjelica ,who manage us along the journey. She requested help from SFI forest rangers as our guide along the expedition.
Salam, Pada malam selepas majlis pernikahan, berlangsungnya majlis malam berinai. Ia kebudayaan Bajau Sama Kota Belud iaitu juga dipanggil malam 'mandi badak', maksudnya menepung tawar dan berinai agar menaikkan seri pengantin untuk bersanding keesokan hari. Ia berlangsung selepas Solat Isya'. Inilah pakaian suku kaum Bajau Sama di Kota Belud. Yg atas kepala dipanggil Serimpak. Berat ni!! My lovely mum 'menepung tawar' My captain, mengantuk ka tu? The little girl tu Nea n Wiwin, drg sporting sgt.. My Grandma My lovely dad Majlis diteruskan dengan acara kebudayaan iaitu Gambus dan bertitik, sampai jam 2pagi acara ni selesai.